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Reputation for Amras

Latest Reputation Received ( total Points)

  1. 11 years ago, JulieFischer om “Efter footer” gave 3 Points for the answer was concret
  2. 11 years ago, FotoJensen om “Opret 120 sider med en .csv” gave 50 Points for Fantastisk vilje til at hjælpe. Tak!!
  3. 11 years ago, Naztrida om “Tilpasning af billeder og site i responsive tema” gave 4 Points for Fixed a problem for me!
  4. 11 years ago, JohnSahl om “Automatisk videresendelse” gave 100 Points for Fantastisk svar
  5. 11 years ago, Naztrida om “Tilpasning af billeder og site i responsive tema” gave 1 Points for Continuous help with a specific problem
  6. 11 years ago, Naztrida om “Tilpasning af billeder og site i responsive tema” gave 2 Points for Amras helped me solve my image issue.
  7. 11 years ago, DKiversen om “Woocommerce ændringer” gave 1 Points for god hjælp med wordpress
  8. 12 years ago, JohnSahl om “wordpress skal gøres mere sikkert” gave 1 Points for Glimrende indlæg omkring sikkerheden i WP

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